Her Choice Not to Heal After Abortion

Her Choice Not to Heal After Abortion “I am not worthy of God’s peace or healing, Sydna,” the young woman said. “I let my baby die in that abortion clinic. Healing means I must forgive myself which will never happen. I deserve to rot in Hell.” When a woman leaves an...

A Pastor’s Compassion for the Post-Abortive

A Pastor’s Compassion for the Post-Abortive She walked into my office. I could tell she was nervous. When I heard her story I could tell why. She was post-abortive, she had a new boyfriend and was afraid to tell him her story. She loved the church, but felt people...

The Return of Abortion’s Exiled Women

The Return of Abortion’s Exiled Women “I’ve just awoken from a deep slumber where I could not find myself,” the post-abortive woman shared in her first message after discovering HerChoicetoHeal.com. “I didn’t know I was stuck in a circle of grief that wouldn’t...

4 Ways Abortion Wounds Women

4 Ways Abortion Wounds Women “Will this affect me emotionally or psychologically?” I asked the abortion clinic worker before my abortion. With a smile, she proclaimed, “Oh no.  Abortion will make your life better!  It’s just a blob of tissue.  You have the rest of...