Google’s Abortion Tyranny

Google’s Abortion Tyranny Last week Internet giant, Google, BANNED pro-life pregnancy centers from buying Adwords related to the term, “abortion.” Organizations or authors of abortion recovery programs can no longer buy advertising through Google using keywords...

Her Choice Not to Heal After Abortion

Her Choice Not to Heal After Abortion “I am not worthy of God’s peace or healing, Sydna,” the young woman said. “I let my baby die in that abortion clinic. Healing means I must forgive myself which will never happen. I deserve to rot in Hell.” When a woman leaves an...

Stranger at the Abortion Clinic

Stranger at the Abortion Clinic “This is an abortion clinic! What is she doing here?” I thought upon noticing a stranger entering the room.  “She does not look like a person who should be having an abortion.” The woman resembled a preppy teenager with short red hair...