Stranger at the Abortion Clinic

Stranger at the Abortion Clinic “This is an abortion clinic! What is she doing here?” I thought upon noticing a stranger entering the room.  “She does not look like a person who should be having an abortion.” The woman resembled a preppy teenager with short red hair...

Eight Lies About Abortion

Eight Lies About Abortion Abortion seemed like a lie worth believing when I discovered my unplanned pregnancy in my local Planned Parenthood office at 19 years of age. The falsehoods Planned Parenthood sold to me that day would reverberate in my life forever.  Sadly,...

Abortion: Heaven’s Hope

Abortion: Heaven’s Hope “You aren’t giving women the hope of seeing their children in heaven, are you, Sydna?” an abortion recovery leader probed me during an initial conversation in my first years in ministry.  “Scripture isn’t clear that the destination of...

Abortion’s Sinful Women

Abortion’s Sinful Women “The list of Abortion PTSD symptoms is endless,” the father of a post-abortive woman wrote despondently. “Abortion is something people cannot get over. I know they can say they have, but I don’t see evidence of that.” The hopelessness of...

Abolishing Abortion Strongholds

Abolishing Abortion Strongholds “I’ve had too many abortions, Sydna,” the caller outlined. “God simply cannot forgive me.” My response is always the same – There is no sin that God cannot forgive – even abortion. The problem may be you don’t forgive yourself and may...