Why Didn’t God Stop Me?

Why Didn’t God Stop Me? “I asked God to stop me if aborting wasn’t His will for my life. When He didn’t, I felt it was okay. Why didn’t He stop me, Sydna?” the post-abortive woman asked. Many faith-based hearts prayed before they aborted, asking for God to...

Justice After Abortion

Justice After Abortion “I must have been sleeping for the last ten years,” the caller screamed.  “I’ve been blinded to the horrors of my own abortion.  I lived in denial that has evaporated.  I don’t need healing.  I need to end this horror for other women by working...

Post-Abortive Women Cannot Be Researched

Post-Abortive Women Cannot Be Researched Imagine receiving a call from a survey company who asks, “Has anyone in your home experienced abortion?” If you are post-abortive, would you answer affirmatively?  Likely not! Women are typically hesitant to reveal they have...

God’s Forgiveness After Abortion

God’s Forgiveness After Abortion “The pastor said my abortion is an unforgivable sin because I blasphemed the Holy Spirit in rejecting His gift of life,” a post-abortive woman outlined in an e-mail message.  “There is no hope for me to ever enter Heaven, Sydna,...

The Right to Remain Silent After Abortion

The Right to Remain Silent After Abortion “I don’t understand why women aren’t flooding onto platforms to share their abortion truth, Sydna,” a male pro-life leader declared during a long ago phone conversation.  “I’m angry that you aren’t pushing women to take a...