Google’s Abortion Tyranny

Google’s Abortion Tyranny Last week Internet giant, Google, BANNED pro-life pregnancy centers from buying Adwords related to the term, “abortion.” Organizations or authors of abortion recovery programs can no longer buy advertising through Google using keywords...

Alyssa’s #SexStrike and Abortion’s End

Alyssa’s #SexStrike and Abortion’s End Actress Alyssa Milano’s recent #SexStrike campaign reveals the potential future of American society if/when Roe v. Wade is dismantled at the federal level and sent back to the states. States will then rule on abortion’s legality....

How Will Post-Abortive Women Vote?

How Will Post-Abortive Women Vote? Abortion is the reason many people will get out to vote in next week’s elections. If the last two years since President Trump was elected are any indication, the war surrounding legalized abortion has grown to hysterical levels....

A Pastor’s Compassion for the Post-Abortive

A Pastor’s Compassion for the Post-Abortive She walked into my office. I could tell she was nervous. When I heard her story I could tell why. She was post-abortive, she had a new boyfriend and was afraid to tell him her story. She loved the church, but felt people...

4 Male Mindsets That Affect Abortion Decisions

4 Male Mindsets That Affect Abortion Decisions “My girlfriend wants to have an abortion,” the male caller stated. “Can you help me figure out how I can stop her? She can’t do this without my permission, right?” A woman cannot get pregnant alone. For every aborted...