Google’s Abortion Tyranny

Google’s Abortion Tyranny Last week Internet giant, Google, BANNED pro-life pregnancy centers from buying Adwords related to the term, “abortion.” Organizations or authors of abortion recovery programs can no longer buy advertising through Google using keywords...

Alyssa’s #SexStrike and Abortion’s End

Alyssa’s #SexStrike and Abortion’s End Actress Alyssa Milano’s recent #SexStrike campaign reveals the potential future of American society if/when Roe v. Wade is dismantled at the federal level and sent back to the states. States will then rule on abortion’s legality....

Her Choice Not to Heal After Abortion

Her Choice Not to Heal After Abortion “I am not worthy of God’s peace or healing, Sydna,” the young woman said. “I let my baby die in that abortion clinic. Healing means I must forgive myself which will never happen. I deserve to rot in Hell.” When a woman leaves an...

The Return of Abortion’s Exiled Women

The Return of Abortion’s Exiled Women “I’ve just awoken from a deep slumber where I could not find myself,” the post-abortive woman shared in her first message after discovering “I didn’t know I was stuck in a circle of grief that wouldn’t...

5 Ways to Heal Grandparent Pain After Abortion

5 Ways to Heal Grandparent Pain After Abortion “I feel like I’m in a grief pit with no way out and no one to talk to,” the grandparent of an aborted child painfully outlined. “I don’t even have a right to say I’m a grandmother.” Grandparent post-abortion pain is...